Start your review of Beyond the DarkeningWrite a review Jess the Romanceaholic rated it really liked it review of another edition Shelves indie author, vampires, estranged. Combine EditionsKerry Allen’s books. Kerry Allen. Average rating: · ratings · 35 reviews · 7 distinct works • Similar authors. Beyond the Darkening. /5. Beyond the Darkening (English Edition) eBook: Allen, Kerry: Kindle Store. Skip to main Hello Select your address Kindle Store Hello, Sign in. Account Lists Returns Orders. Cart All. Amazon Points Best Sellers Amazon Basics New Releases 4/5(16).
Books. Search the world's most comprehensive index of full-text books. Carrie Kelley became Robin III of Earth after being rescued by Batman. She later used the alias Catgirl. Carrie Kelley was a thirteen year old schoolgirl and girl scout on Earth who was attacked by muggers one night, but was saved by the recently returned and grizzled elder Batman on his first night out of retirement. Soon, she would spend her lunch money on a Robin costume and hunt down. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
Beyond the Darkening ↠ Kerry Allen, Beyond the Darkening, Kerry Allen, Beyond the Darkening Amanda Tessler infiltrated the Society for the Preservation of Humanity to gather information to aid the monsters the organization seeks to cleanse from the earth Her orders are to maintain her cover at any cost but when the vampire she once loved is delivered to the facility starved blinded and. I about choked to keep in the laughter generated by Kerry Allen‘s masterful snark while I was reading it in a meeting. Beyond the Darkening is the first in a planned trilogy of novellas that follow the (I hope) downfall of the Society for the Preservation of Humanity, a brutal organization that uses genocidal tactics to take out the public. ~* Stars *~ Beyond the Darkening is a very good novella - quite possibly the best of that length I've ever read. There's a lot here that Kerry Allen could've made into a full-length paranormal romance (and still could at any time [hint hint]), because her take on vampires and the world they inhabit is intriguing and TRULY fresh.