Behind the Mask Yangsook Choi, Author. FSG/Foster $16 (40p) ISBN More By and About This Author. OTHER BOOKS. Peach Heaven; New . · behind the mask by Yangsook Choi illustrated by Yangsook Choi ‧ RELEASE DATE: Oct. 11, Just before Halloween, while looking through his late grandfather’s things, Kimin recalls a time in Korea, when, late at night, he saw his grandfather, his face grotesque and distorted. · Just before Halloween, while looking through his late grandfather’s things, Kimin recalls a time in Korea, when, late at night, he saw his grandfather, his face grotesque and distorted. Now he finds photographs of his grandfather as a professional dancer, as well as his robes and masks, and realizes that he only saw his grandfather in costume. Since Halloween is a time to honor the dead.
BEHIND THE MASK. Halloween is coming. "What are you going to be?" the children ask one another. Kimin says he will be his grandfather. "Going as an old man is not very scary," they tease. What the children don't know is that Kimin's grandfather was a Korean mask dancer. And Kimin doesn't know that the mask holds a secret for him. by Yangsook Choi illustrated by Yangsook Choi ‧ RELEASE DATE: Oct. 11, Just before Halloween, while looking through his late grandfather's things, Kimin recalls a time in Korea, when, late at night, he saw his grandfather, his face grotesque and distorted. Behind the Mask Yangsook Choi, Author. FSG/Foster $16 (40p) ISBN More By and About This Author. OTHER BOOKS. Peach Heaven; New Cat; The Sun Girl and the Moon Boy: A Korean.
Just before Halloween, while looking through his late grandfather’s things, Kimin recalls a time in Korea, when, late at night, he saw his grandfather, his face grotesque and distorted. Now he finds photographs of his grandfather as a professional dancer, as well as his robes and masks, and realizes that he only saw his grandfather in costume. Since Halloween is a time to honor the dead. With vibrant illustrations, Yangsook Choi joins Korean and American folk traditions in her story about a boy who finds a link to his grandfather, behind the mask. Behind the Mask is a Bank Street - Best Children's Book of the Year. Behind the Mask by Yangsook Choi is a sweet story of young Korean American boy Kimin who wears an old family dance costume for trick or treating and discovers a link to his grandfather. Yangsook Choi's colorful illustrations beautifully feature orange, green, red, brown and black hues.